Even though I now have a rough outline of where I want to go, it's still been slow progress with this story. It's not zooming along, like I half hoped it would. Still, progress is progress, and I'm not about to complain (well, maybe just a little :)).
Yesterday I wrote a major fight scene, and realised in the middle of it that my original plan to leave Rhoan behind, and just have Riley kidnapped, didn't make sense plot wise. Rhoan would go ape-shit looking for his sister, and it just wasn't logical that he
wouldn't find her. Especially when they both have trackers in their ears. So, he's now along for the ride and the Directorate won't realise they're missing for a day or so--by which time, all the action will be over. Another thing I realised as I was writing the fight scene yesterday (yep, the muse was
really concentrating on what it was supposed to be doing...Not ;) ) was that this story really hasn't gone deeply into pack history as I'd originally wanted it to. So, that might have to have a resolution in another book.
Anyway, I've crawled up to 333 pages done, and I'm to hit the 340 mark today. It'd be nice if I could get to 360--370 pages done by the end of the week, but the handover date for the new house is this Friday, so I can't see much work happening either Friday or on the weekend. Just lots of exploring :)