Friday, October 20, 2006

today is the day...!

that we pick up the keys to our new house. It's all very exciting--in a terrifying sort of way. I'm excited to be shifting into the new place, with all it's beautiful trees, but at the same time, the fact we haven't sold the old place yet--and therefore have a huge morgage hanging over our heads--is something of a dampener. Still, I can't wait to get into the new house and explore more fully. I'll post some pics over the weekend :)

Writing wise, I'm slowly getting there with this story. I've rolled over the 350 pages mark, and I'm coming to a big fight/flight scene that marks a change in Riley's life. And it's not one she wanted. But that can be said about the end I'm planning for this book, too. I just hope it all works.

In other news, Piatkus sent me the mock-ups of the covers for the UK market, and they look absolutely fabulous. I'll post them to my site as soon as I can :)


Blogger Yolanda Sfetsos said...

CONGRATS on moving into the new house, Keri! And I can't wait to check out the covers for the UK version/s of your books! Very cool.

Have a GREAT weekend!

9:53 AM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting! I can't wait for the pictures!

12:21 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy the new digs, Keri!

9:59 AM, October 23, 2006  

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