Monday, September 18, 2006

good news...

As I announced over on my website, my most excellent news for the week is that Piatkus have picked up the UK and Commonwealth rights for the Guardian Series. To say I haven't been able to keep the grin off my face would be the understatement of the year. My books will finally be available on the shelf in not only the UK, but Australia and NZ, meaning I might finally achieve a long held dream of walking into a bookstore and seeing my book sitting on the shelf. (I have seen all my books in Rosemary's, but I have to fly up to Brisbane for the privilage. It'll be nice to see my books down here in Melbourne town.) I haven't got any other details yet, but as soon as I know release dates, etc, I'll let you all know.

In more mundane writing news, I finally had a good writing day yesterday. Which, after three days of doing practically nothing, was about time. I have an excuse--I finally just had to do something about the grout in our tiles--it was disgustingly dirty and needed to be cleaned. So I did. And I have no fingerprints left on my fingertips to prove it. (mainly because the only thing that would remove the muck from the grout was a mix of half bleach, half water, and a scrubbing brush, and all that tend to be harsh of hands). Anyway, I did 18 pages yesterday, and finally hit the halfpoint of 200 pages. I'm hoping the good writing vibe will continue for the next few days, so I can start getting ahead of my required daily wordcount. I'll need some words up my sleeve, because we shift house in about a month, and that's going to cut into writing time.


Blogger Yolanda Sfetsos said...

That's EXCELLENT, Keri! CONGRATS! Glad to hear it... now the Aussie will finally be in Aussie bookstores. That really is GREAT news!

Good luck with the writing too. :)

10:13 AM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant news Keri!! So pleased to hear your books will now be found in Aus bookstores.

7:19 AM, September 24, 2006  

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