Tuesday, November 21, 2006

new starts...

I started two new stories last night. After a day of doing absolutely zip in the way of writing, the perfect first line of a book I wasn't going to write popped into my head. Which probably sounds horribly confusing, so let me explain. I'd originally intended Destiny Kills to have a sequel, but as I actually got into the book, I began to wonder if the book and the characters had enough steam to stretch over two books. I even wrote to my agent and expressed my concerns (her advice was to finished the book and see what happens). Luckily, book two wasn't contracted, so it wasn't a worry that way. The book is sitting at 300 pages done, and up until yesterday I still wasn't certain the second book was an option. Which meant changing the ending I'd planned from the very beginning, but that wasn't worrying me. And then the muse came up with this great first line, and the story started unfolding. I haven't actually written more than half a page, but it's enough of a start to work on. And I even have the ideal last line for the end chapter hook :) So, it looks like book two is suddenly on the cards again.

The second book I started was the sixth Riley. I actually wasn't intending to start thinking about this particular book until after I'd finished Destiny, but the subconcious takes paths of its own, it seems. Anyway, a great first line for the start of the book popped into my head as I was going to bed last night. The computer was off by that time, so I wrote it out this morning instead. The muse must have been working on it while I was asleep, because what came blurting out this morning was two pages of information.

And the lines themselves that inspired?

From Destiny: Every child knows that monsters don't give up.

From Riley 6: Being thrown out of a tree was not my idea of a good time.

Now I just have to work on decent stories to go with them both :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! We were discussing this on Fangs, Fur, and Fey just last week. ;-)

12:19 PM, November 21, 2006  

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