Thursday, July 27, 2006

and the lesson for the day is...

always keep the house is tip top shape, because you just never know when the real estate guy is going to ring and say he's bringing a buyer around--in an hour! I got such a call yesterday, and had to run around like a blue-arsed fly to tidy up the little bits and pieces. Then I had to grab the dogs and disappear. The leaping lab is not new buyer friendly (though Finn would love them to death).

Anyway, I didn't get any writing done yesterday, but I did finish reading the Kissing Sin proofs and finally got the corrections off to Bantam. There wasn't a whole lot of mistakes to find, just some silly typos. (well, that's all I could find, anyways.) I'm hoping to get down to some serious writing today, with the aim of getting at least five pages done. Unless, of course, I get another phone call and have to disappear with the dogs :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! We did that for 3 months before our house sold. Not much fun with a toddler, let me say. Toys from top to bottom, to put in nicely. Must be very unsettling for you not knowing if you are going to be able to get work done.

3:41 PM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger Yolanda Sfetsos said...


Good luck with the moving, selling and writing! Hope you're also getting a chance to relax too... :)

2:09 PM, July 28, 2006  

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