Thursday, September 20, 2007


that's what my muse is. She's self-willed and obstinate, and it's damn frustrating right now. Just when I'd decided to settle down and write some of Riley 7, she up and decides that she wants to play with Mercy some more. Of course, flicking from one book to another isn't ideal, because the last thing I need is to get the voices mixed, but when the muse is like this, there's just no reasoning with her. Even chocolate doesn't settle her orneriness (and I have enough weight on my hips as it is, thank you very much.)

So, after scratching out another three pages of Riley 7, I've now written another 5 pages of Mercy and I'm almost at the end of the first chapter. I'm liking the feel of this one, but whether I'll actually get to write the second chapter any time soon is anyones guess. With the muse in this mood, anything could happen. Hell, I might even start a new, let's not even go there.

I think half the problem is that for the first time in almost a year, I haven't got deadlines breathing down my throat. The muse is enjoying the freedom to do as she pleases--and she's fully intending to abuse it. I guess as long as I'm making progress on at least one of the novels, it's not a problem.

Maybe I should take a leaf out of the muse's books, and simply enjoy the rest while I can. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thinkthat when thinkingof a bad guy for Riley you must revisit your first two books. They were filled with good villians and ideas fir future villians. If your inner muse wants to rest, let it.
Read a book and relax. It will return.

4:58 PM, September 23, 2007  

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