Sunday, August 26, 2007

sad news and hill tops...

First off, I'd just like to send big hugs and kisses to Robyn, who lost her gorgeous little dog yesterday. She'll be sadly missed, Mz. Robyn, and I'm sorry I wasn't around to lend a shoulder.

Yesterday, I flew up to Brisbane to do a signing at Rosemary's. Lots of people were there, and it was fun not only catching up with Rosemary and Wendy, but chatting fellow author Kylie Chan (who totally deserves to have her books released in America--hear that Harper Collins!) Because it's a two hour flight each way to Brissy, I took my alphasmart along, and did some writing on the plane and in the airport. And you know what? Without the distractions of email and web, I actually managed to get ten pages done. Which means the final fight scene has been completed and I'm rolling down the hill towards the end. YAY!

We're off to yum cha today to celebrate fellow lulu Freya's birthday, so I'm not sure how much writing will get done, but either way, this book is going to be finished in the next day or so. Woot!


Blogger Robyn Enlund said...

Well done you! And you met Kylie Chan? That's cool. I agree, she does deserve to have those books in the US. I read the third one a couple of days ago and it was great.

9:31 AM, August 26, 2007  
Blogger Angela James said...

I think they should be published here in the States too (mostly because I had to jump through hoops to get the first two shipped to me and I still don't have the third.) I hope HC decides to publish the series over here, as well!

1:19 AM, August 27, 2007  

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