Wednesday, March 15, 2006

edits and puppy pics

I didn't get any writing done yesterday, because I spent most of yesterday standing in queues waiting to get served. Stupid Commonwealth bank--I had to stand in line just to get a withdrawal slip! I was there for 15 minutes, and when I finally get to the counter, the chick says, "We don't do withdrawal slips any more, you just go to the counter with your card." Says I (in narky voice) "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do with an account that requires two signatures and my husband cannot take time off work to get here to sign a stupid form?" Says she. "Oh. Well, then you can have a slip." SO nice of the bank to allow me to get at my own money! Of course, once I visited Pete and got him to sign it, I then had to go back and stand in line again. Such a fun experience, banks.

But the good news is that by paying cash, I saved a heap (like $200) on the fridge. And it comes today! Woohoo! No more living out of the esky for the Arthurs :)

In writing news, I got the second lot of edits back on Kissing Sin, and I'm hoping to get those done today. Seems I went a little too far with the cuts last time, so I have to edit back in some cut scenes. (or try to remember the scenes I didn't actually save). There's not a huge amount to do, so I'm hoping to get back to actual wriitng tomorrow.

And because I haven't got anything else interesting to say right now, I thought I'd put up some puppy picks. Not that Finn looks too puppy-like any more--he looks like a real dog now (he's just not as fluffy as he will be when he's fully grown)

and yep, he's as cute as he looks in the pic. I'll upload a pic of Ella and Finn together tomorrow. The pair of them are never too far apart :)


Blogger Yolanda Sfetsos said...

Ooooooh, he's so cute! Cool name too.

As for the Commonwealth Bank - ugh! I know exactly what you mean. It's all about getting money off the customers via fees and other crap. They don't care about customer service, even though it's our money they're dealing with.

Glad you got the fridge sorted out too!


9:55 AM, March 15, 2006  
Blogger M.J. said...

Fluffy puppy is TOO cute.

And you realise you just made my virgo head explode with the phrase "scenes I didn't save" ; ))

2:46 PM, March 15, 2006  
Blogger Rachel Vincent said...

Oh, he's adorable. Pictures like this make me wish I was a dog person. But I'm not. I'm a cat person.

But your dog is especially cute.

6:33 AM, March 16, 2006  
Blogger Kez said...

Finn is very cute--but he'll get cuter when he gets his full coat (he'll look like a mini collie :)

Rachel, I love cats but hubby is allergic to them. He gets really bad hay fever from them.

and Mel, it pays to save cut scenes...I usually do, just didn't this one time. And wouldn't you know, it's the one time I needed to. Luckily for me, I was able to use something else I'd cut and rework it (because the muse just doesn't want to play with new stuff right now)

10:42 AM, March 17, 2006  

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