Saturday, June 10, 2006

like teeth being pulled...

that's how it felt trying to write Destiny yesterday. Like every word was being pulled from my body by some nasty dentist with horrible breath. (had one of those when I was of my brothers actually ended up punching him in the mouth when he was in the chair. He still hates dentist, thanks to that evil little fellow) Anyway, I did the read through, got to the scene where I'd left off, put fingers to keyboard, and....nothing.

I have absolutely no idea where I'd intended that scene to go.

Zip. Zadda. Zilch.

And stupid me didn't jot down a few notes at the end line as a prompt--something I usually always do when I have to finish writing in the middle of a scene.

So, here I am, stuck with a half-finished scene and totally no idea what to do next. Ah, the joys of being a pantzer!

How did I get out of it? I did what I usually do when I'm stuck--rabbited on. As the old saying goes, words on a page can be fixed--blank pages can not. By the time I got to the fifth page, the muse had figured out where to take the scene--but I'm totally sure where the scene is going now is not where I'd originally intended it to go. But still, I think it'll be good. And I think it'll show Destiny's more ruthless side, which we really haven't seen up until now. This scene will also help her remember who and what she is--we're halfway through the book now, so I think it's time for a revelation. Don't want to draw out the lack of memory for too long, because it's just not believable plotwise or characterwise.

But I'm not writing any more today. I may tonight, but today we're off househunting. It's become something of a pleasant afternoon day out for Pete and I. We check the paper for what houses are open for inspection, write down the ones we're interested in, in the areas we're interested in, and tottle around to look at them. Sometimes they're houses way out of our price range (you know, the 'only if we win tattslotto' houses) and sometimes they're houses we can afford. So far, we've only seen one house we love, and unfortunately, it's in the 'only if we win tattslotto' range. We'd really love to get a bigger house--well, a bigger block of land. Our current house is fine size wise, but there's just not enough room for the dogs to run around outside. But given the house prices around our area, we'll probably have to buy a weekender out in the country somewhere. I'd love a house by the sea, but you practically have to be a multi-millionaire to buy anything within cooeee of the sea these days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with househunting, Keri! What fun. Especially knowing you can take your time and find exactly what you want.

10:21 AM, June 11, 2006  

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