Sunday, January 29, 2006

the never ending edit story

Eighty pages edited, thirty pages chucked out. This is tough stuff. I'm totally changing several threads, because I need to tone down Riley's relationship with one character (a new character, not one of the old ones). Plus, several of the scenes with Quinn don't ring true, given where were left off in Full Moon Rising. So, new scenes to be added, more pages to be cut. But making changes so early in a book has repercussions right down the line, and it's often tough to catch them all. Rereads a plenty are happening!

I edited all day, and set the muse free on the Loch Ness book this evening. I've only got a couple of pages done, but it's enough to keep the story rolling along, and the characters fresh in my mind. I still love this story, even though I have no idea what is going to happen (well, I know her overall goal, but have no idea how or why she is going to get there). I'm pretty sure now this is going to need two books to get through. The plot I started with (as I said before, I don't actually plot, I just have a vague outline in my head that gradually becomes coherent and begins to make sense) has indeed evolved, and has become part of the heroes story. A story I just won't fit in this book. So, that'll be book two, and a deeper exploration of the world of the Loch Ness monster :)

Oh, and can you believe it? We finally get a reasonably coolish day (high twenties) and the damn humidity shoots up! It's currently sitting at 85%. This sweaty little black duck has had enough. We're shouting ourselves evaporative air conditioning. The dogs will love it, and so will we :D


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